Everyone struggles with trust, especially after feeling betrayed. Trust is such an impactful word yet most have a hard time explaining what it is. In this interactive workshop we will explore what it is and[…]
Meet in front at 7:00 and we’ll pick a movie.
Let’s meditate in the peaceful gardens. Bring money for food.
Join us for a 4th of July celebration at our Ironside location starting at 11:00 am with group meeting at 2 pm.
Join us at our Ironside location to celebrate the 4th starting at 11 am, which will also include a group meeting at 2 pm.
“RELAX + MAKE ART + BUILD FRIENDSHIPS Your choice to do mosaics or paint pottery.” Bring a snack or drink to share if you like.
Join us for a barbecue lunch, meeting at 2 pm (this will take the place of our normally scheduled evening group meeting), and fun and games! Please bring soda or dessert to share. Bring a[…]
Come kick it at the YRCC! Bring money for food.
Join us as we watch a horror movie outside under the stars…Bring money for food, optional to bring a blanket.
Join us and play some games and eat pizza!!!!! Bring money for food.
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