We will have a meeting. Bring money for food.
Bring money for food.
Bring money for food.
Let’s watch a movie together! Bring money if you want to buy snacks.
Monster Mini-Golf, Laser Tag, Laser maze, arcade, food and fun! Either meet us at Mini Golf or carpool from Ironside at 6 PM.
Come hang out with us!
Bring money for food.
Our counselors are attending a recovery conference so we will not have group activities today. If you need assistance, please call 210-227-2634. Please check our calendar for upcoming activities and meetings. Thank you!
Younger Group/YRCC participants, meet at Ironside at 6 pm.
Please bring $6 for your movie ticket and extra for food/beverage.
Meet at Asbury, 4601 San Pedro and we’ll carpool to Eisenhower Park.
Please bring $6.00 and any extra money for food/beverage.
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