This workshop will introduce and provide you with the beginning skills of communication and setting boundaries in the home affected by substance use disorder. To sign up, contact one of[…]
Let’s spend an evening together at the drive in located in New Braunfels. We will meet at Buc-ees, 2760 I-35, New Braunfels, TX 78130 at 6:30 pm. Call a Family[…]
We will have an education class on boundaries, for Family Group members only. Please contact Melissa for details.
We all have our talents, so show us what you’ve got! Maybe you have a new talent since COVID kept us apart?!?! You can show us your talent live or[…]
Let’s celebrate together!
The Big Give is a great opportunity to show the community what matters to you! Remember to get involved in all of the day’s activities by following along on the[…]
For more information please email Melissa Reyes at [email protected] or call 210-227-2634 ext 126 and leave a voicemail indicating that you would like to participate in this event. Sign up[…]
Please contact your Family Group Peer Coach for details: 210-227-2634.
If you are a current Rise Recovery participant, please check your email, our Family Group staff have been reaching out to connect. We look forward to all of our members[…]
Please email Melissa Reyes at [email protected] or call and leave a voicemail indicating that you would like to attend this event starting Saturday 7/11/2020 at 10:30 am to 12 pm[…]
If you are a current Rise Recovery participant, please check your email, our Family Group staff have been reaching out to connect. We look forward to all of our members[…]
Join us as a current Family Group participant shares their experience of Strength and Hope. If you are a current Rise Recovery participant, please check your email, our Family Group[…]
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