To sign up or if you have questions, Please call us at 210-227-2634.
Bring money for snacks. To sign up or if you have questions, Please call us at 210-227-2634.
Be sure to wear socks! Bring money for snacks. To sign up or if you have questions, Please call us at 210-227-2634.
Join us for our Young Adult (ages 18-35) group meeting at our San Pedro location! Call 210-227-2634 and ask to speak to a Young Adult Peer Recovery Coach if you[…]
Join us online for our Young Adult Virtual Meeting every Tuesday. Call 210227-2634 and speak to a Young Adult Peer Recovery Coach to join. We will resume Tuesday in-person meetings[…]
Let’s golf y’all! Please talk to your recovery coach or call for details: 210-227-2634.
Join us at Main Event for some fun! Please call for details: 210-227-2634.
It’s time to celebrate recovery!!! RIOSA is our annual Recovery in Ol’ San Antonio and we are so excited to celebrate with you! This is a family event so bring[…]
Please join us for our Adult Group virtual meetings! We look forward to all of our members joining us! To get connected and instructions on how to join, please call[…]
Our Young Adult group is for people aged 18-35. This is a desire meeting so please note, all are welcome but there will be no credit for any stipulated track[…]
Let’s race! Meet at our San Pedro location, please bring money for snacks. Questions? Call 210-227-2634.
Let’s spend the day at the Pearl! Please bring money for snacks and meet us at our San Pedro location. Questions? Call 210-227-2634.
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