Time/location are TBD. Please contact a staff member for details or call 210-227-2634.
We ask for a suggested donation to cover the cost of the supplies. All activities are subject to change so please contact your Peer Recovery Specialist or call 210-227-2634.
This is a 12 Steps of recovery study. All are welcome but please note: there will be no credit for any stipulated track for Thursday night events.
ORIENTATION IS A PREREQUISITE TO ATTEND Our Monday Orientation – Family Program is held at the Rise Recovery Charlie Naylor Campus. Questions? Please call 210-227-2634.
Join us for this special night of celebrating recovery milestones! Please call or see a staff member about details.
Did you know, there are about 7,000 lakes in Texas?!?
Fore: Golfers use this term immediately following a poorly hit ball as a way to warn other golfers that the ball might be heading their way. Thankfully, you don’t have[…]
IT’S HOT!!!! Let’s go to the river!!!
Please wear clothing and shoes you don’t mind getting painted!
Please contact us at 210-227-2634 for details on our Youth Summit.
I want popcorn!!! Be sure to bring some money if you want snacks!
Stained glass is awesome and no experience necessary so join us!
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