25th Annual Alumni BBQ – All Past & Present Group Participants Welcome!
13715 FM 1560N Helotes
TX 78023

Let’s celebrate!!! All past and present Rise group participants are welcome to join us at Pedrotti’s Ranch, 13715 FM 1560N, Helotes, TX 78023. Please RSVP with a staff member so we have accurate count for the catered lunch. Give us a call at 210-227-2634. We look forward to celebrating with YOU! For location on Google maps, go to: https://www.google.com/maps/dir//pedrottis+ranch/@29.5705338,-98.7340693,12z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x865c69d18ceae65d:0x5e232ffa858398e3!2m2!1d-98.6640282!2d29.5705522!3e0

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